Cost usage of Blazor on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

In the latest post we explore a possibile way to deploy a Blazor WebAssembly. Now, I would like to check how much will cost the solution and look at the AWS services.

The solution, requires usage of different services:

As said in my previous post, AWS Elastic Beanstalk give you the ability to have an application running without the necessity to think about the service needed, like the Load Balancer. This is why you read Elastic Load Balancer in the cost list. By using AWS Cost Explorer, part of the AWS Cost Management, we can create reports and analyze the costs of our AWS solution.

CodeBuild costs

The CodeBuild cost for a Linux build machine is calculated in 0,01 euro cents per minute of execution. So if your run 3 release pipeline in a day, and each pipeline requires 4 minutes to complete, you’ll have a cost of 0,12 cents per day. An average of 2,14 in a month (considering 20 working days). Not bad.

Elastic Beanstalk

My Elastic Beanstalk solution, very simple, is composed by one instance of Elastic Cloud Computing, with auto-scaling enabled, and one Elastic Load Balancing. To calculate the costs, we must keep in mind two main values: execution time and volume usage. Respectively we will have an EC2 running cost and a EBS (Elastic Block Store) consumption costs.

So, each Elastic Beanstalk instance will costs:

Each Elastic Load Balancing

Ok, so how much I’ll pay per month?

We see the cost in details. Assuming we are in a month of 30 days, here the sum of your cost:

Service Hypotetic cost per day Hypotetic cost per month
CodePipeline € 0,12 € 2,14
EC2 € 1,46 € 43,80
EBS   € 0,26
ALB capacity € 0,192 € 5,76
ALB hour € 0,60 € 18,00
Total   € 69,96

So, final cost will about € 70 per month. This is a small forecast of the app running with very small traffic. The app is not well optimized. In the next posts we will see how we can mantain an acceptable cost, or reducing it, by introducing new services.

As always, any feedback is welcome!

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